New Year’s Resolution Ideas to Improve Your House’s Well-Being


2017 has ended and 2018 has arrived. The beginning of a new year is a great time for us to reevaluate our life choices and habits and start afresh. We may regret some past decisions or want to change our lifestyles. But among all the possible new year’s resolutions that you can think of, what are some of the things you could do to improve the well-being of your own house?

Keeping your house clean and tidy is not only good for the aesthetic presentation of your home. It is also beneficial for your mental and physical health. In an organised house, you will be able to find lost items more easily. In a properly cleaned home, you will also be less likely to catch illnesses or experience allergic reactions caused by germs and dust.

So what are some resolution ideas to improve the state of your home this new year?

  • Dust and hoover your house once a week

Dust does not only make your house look bad and cause allergic reactions. It can also damage your house’s surfaces. Due to these reasons, dusting and hoovering is a great chore to include in your New Year’s resolution. For most people, weekly dusting should be sufficient to prevent significant build up of household dust. However, if you have allergies, your health condition may dictate that you need to do this exercise more frequently.

  • Monthly decluttering

A home filled with clutters is not very presentable. Moreover, having too many things in your house can make it harder for you to find items buried in the clutter. If you tend to be highly attached to things that you never use, decluttering once a month may be the perfect New Year’s resolution challenge for you. By removing items that you do not use from your home, your house will become much  more spacious, presentable, and livable.

  • Clean your bathroom at least once a month

Bathroom cleaning is one of the chores that most people dread. However, having a clean bathroom is crucial to leading a healthy life. We all know that the bathroom is full of undesirable germs. If you have to start training yourself to clean your home more frequently, you might, therefore, want to start with your bathroom. It’s one of the most important places to clean!

  • Do you bed every morning

Getting out of bed in the morning is not easy for many people. Besides dealing with sleepiness, you may have a very limited time to prepare for work. Despite the already harsh condition of everyone’s morning life, remember that doing your bed does not take much time. It’s a task that can be accomplished within seconds. This is, therefore, a resolution that is the easiest to stick to compared to the other chores on this list.

  • Clean your kitchen after every cooking session

After cooking, it’s always a good idea to promptly clean your kitchen counter and hob area to remove oil, grime, and other food particles. Spillage is much easier to clean soon after cooking. Prompt action also helps ensure that your kitchen is always in its tip-top shape and ready for your next cleaning session. If you love cooking but are relatively clumsy when handling food, this could be an ideal New Year’s resolution for you!

  • Clean your refrigerator every three months

Fridge cleaning does not have to be done frequently, so this is one of the resolutions that will require the least commitment from you in terms of frequency. It’s also a great way to ensure your food’s sanitation. Just like how you would not want your food to be stored in grimy Tupperwares, you would not want your food to be stored in a fridge that has a funny smell either. So, go on! Why not make this your New Year’s resolution?