How to clean a wardrobe: 6 easy steps


Is your wardrobe so packed full of clothes that finding an outfit becomes a chore?

If so, it may be time to clean your wardrobe and there is no better time to do it than spring!

Even if you book a cleaner through a local cleaning services company for your spring cleaning, decluttering your wardrobe is one chore that is difficult to delegate!

So, we have put together an easy six-step checklist, on how to clean a wardrobe and make it a little less daunting task.

Follow these steps on wardrobe cleaning and make it look neat and tidy in no time!

1. Take out everything 

Yes. Everything! We often half-heartedly decide to clear out our wardrobes and end up neglecting the items stuffed in the bottom of our drawers. When it comes to wardrobe cleaning, it is essential that all clothes are taken out and every drawer or compartment is emptied. Don’t worry about deciding if you want to keep each item at this stage. Just pile the clothes into categories, e.g. skirts, trousers and jumpers. It may be time-consuming, but it will be worth it in the end. You may even surprise yourself and pull out a dress you haven’t seen in years!

2. Time to clean

Wardrobe cleaning is not an everyday chore, so use this opportunity to give the inside of your wardrobe a good clean. Once all of the clothes have been taken out, it’s time to get started. Wipe down the walls, vacuum the floor and dust the shelves. Don’t forget to clean out the insides of each drawer too. Cleaning your wardrobe will also help to remove the larvae of any clothes moths that may have been lurking in your wardrobe!

3. Sort through the mess

Now that your wardrobe is clean, it’s time to tackle the piles of clothing littered around your bedroom. Go through each pile and sort them into one of the following three categories: keep, unsure and chuck. All of the items you are sure about can go straight back into your wardrobe. By this point, I think you will have done enough work to have a well-deserved cup of tea.

When you return, revisit the ‘unsure’ pile of clothes. Ask yourself these questions: ‘when was the last time I wore this?’, ‘does it even fit properly?’ ‘Will I ever wear it again?’ and ‘will I miss it?’. This stage can be difficult for those of us who find it hard to chuck out our old clothes. We have these nightmarish visions that we will chuck out a dress, only to find we desperately need it in a few months’ time! But in reality, we often know if we won’t wear something again.

This decluttering stage will be crucial in creating space in your wardrobe cleaning!

4. Reorganise

Another tip on how to clean your wardrobe is by reorganising. When it comes to putting your clothes back into your wardrobe, don’t just chuck them in as quickly as possible. Use this opportunity to reorganise your wardrobe. Sort your clothes into categories, such as type or colour. This will make choosing an outfit for work on Monday morning much easier!

Now that it’s spring, you may have lots of winter jumpers to store away. Vacuum storage bags are a great way of keeping your clothes free from dust and clothing moths. They are also a great compact storage solution, if your wardrobe is on the smaller side!


5. Donate or recycle

It can be easy to simply grab a black bag and chuck out our unwanted clothes. However, donating our clothes can turn a time-consuming domestic chore like wardrobe cleaning into something much more enjoyable. It’s always nice to know our old or unworn clothes will be going to help someone in need.

If some of your clothes have really seen better days, e.g. they are ripped or badly stained, be sure to recycle them at your local recycling centre.

6. Keep it neat and tidy

Now that the hard work is done, make sure you keep your wardrobe clean and clutter free! Always try to hang or fold your clothes properly before placing them back into your wardrobe and regularly dust the shelves. Make your next wardrobe clean easier, by decluttering any unwanted clothes every few months or so.

Why not also try making your own natural sachets filled with dried lavender or cotton balls infused with lavender essential oil. Place these in your wardrobe and drawers to keep your wardrobe smelling fresh and to repel any clothes moths.

Now that your wardrobe is cleaner than ever, why not consider a professional clean for your whole home?