Clean and Tidy Homes = Well Behaved Children


Sounds like yet another ploy to encourage families to employ home cleaning services but you’ll be surprised at what research has to show.

Is it time to make a clean and tidy home priority? Well, chaotic and untidy households have been shown to encourage bad behaviour in young children due to lack of routine and order in their home environment. So it might be time to employ some extra domestic cleaning help, or at least encourage your partner to get more involved in domestic tasks.

Not only are children’s behaviours affected, parents are hindered too. With chaotic environments, parents tend to become less involved with their children and interfere in moments of exploration, a key stage in children social cognitive development. In such cases, parents feel unable to adequately discipline their children and are consequently more likely to rely on physical punishments to correct their children’s behaviour.

Improve your family life by making household cleaning...

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Back to School


The day has come to mourn the summer months and welcome this busy time back into our lives. Yes, it’s back to school!

With the infinite amount of tasks that need to be done, from buying new uniforms and planning lunchbox ideas, how does one have the time to think about domestic cleaning? Well, to start with we have composed a list of the three essential ‘to-dos’, if you may, that will ensure a smooth back to school transition.

  1. Lunchbox planning: to make life a little easier, prepare lunches the night before so they are packed and ready to go in the (way too) early mornings!

  2. Set bedtimes: not just for your nocturnal children, but for you as well! This will help you avoid the half-awake delirium that ensues forgetting to pack your children’s P.E kits!

  3. Be organised: in every sense of the word. By allocating a space for your children to dump their school bags, planning times for dinner and (the always dreaded) homework and by keeping your...

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The TidyChoice App is now available on the Google Play Store


We are happy to announce that TidyChoice is now directly accessible via its own tablet/mobile app for Android devices.

With this app, customers and cleaners will have the full functionality of the website with the convenience of having everything at the tip of their fingers fingers anywhere they go.

No more Google search, no more typing web addresses.

The app can be downloaded from the Play Store.

It is completely free. iPhone and iPad, Windows phone/tablet and BlackBerry apps will be coming soon.

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How to make sure that your online profile attracts new customers


People hire people.  As well as demonstrating your cleaning experience and expertise, it is important that you gain customer trust and that they know who you are. If a potential customer has never met you, how can you gain trust? One way is to create a profile that you can share with them through social media or by email. A good profile is a powerful way to let them know who you are and get hired. It is easy to create a profile in Word which can be used over and over again to get new customers. We give our top tips on content you should include in your profile to get hired.

1. Your photograph

You are no longer a stranger if people know what you look like so including a photograph is important. Ideally, choose a photograph that shows your face and eyes and where you are smiling (similar to a smiling passport photo). We all make snap judgements from photographs on friendliness and trustworthiness so showing your eyes and a smiling face is important. You want to look...

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Which supermarket is the cheapest for cleaning products?


Tesco is the UK’s largest supermarket and we compared their price for a basket of 5 standard cleaning products with other supermarkets. Tesco’s basket totalled £10.65.

For the same items, Asda was cheapest at £9.48p and Waitrose the most expensive at £13.85.

Branded products are often not available at Lidl or Aldi but their products are the cheapest. Where they stock branded items they are often significantly cheaper than the main supermarkets. For example, Mr Sheen multi-surface cleaner is 65p in Aldi compared to £1 at Asda, Sainsbury’s and Poundland.

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Why do the best cleaners choose TidyChoice?


why do the best cleaners choose TidyChoice image

The best cleaners want to be independent so they can optimise their earnings. If they work for an agency or for an online booking platform, they will lose 20-40% of their earnings. TidyChoice is the only website which is a genuine marketplace that allows cleaners to choose your own rates and hours. Cleaners are not charged a percentage commission and earn their full hourly rate. TidyChoice helps independent cleaners market their services in order to find new customers in convenient locations. 

“We have found that if the cleaners are not satisfied, the customers don’t get the quality of service expected. The best cleaners work independently to maximise their income and we are unique in allowing them to choose their own hourly rates, work locations and hours of work,”  says co-founder Ana Andres. TidyChoice attracts the best local independent cleaners to its platform in order to provide the best service to customers. “We are...

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Top 5 mistakes people make when hiring a cleaner


mistake people make when hiring a cleaner

You work long hours and try to fit in your housekeeping duties but then find that you have no time for yourself or your friends and family. We all get to a point where we look at our situations and think there must be a better way! But finding a good cleaner that you can trust is difficult. Here are some of the mistakes to watch out for.

1.Choosing a service based on price only

You can find people cleaning at an extremely low price. Beware. These people are probably not experienced or vetted, never background checked, and probably could not reimburse you for breakage. You are likely to get a poor-quality service and potential problems ahead.

2. Blindly hiring a cleaner

The days of “my cleaning lady just lives down the street and is a family friend” have faded away. However, do you really want to give a complete stranger access to your home and personal belongings? To hire an independent cleaner, you should carry out some background checks on all...

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